As we read together in the Gospels, the accounts of Holy Week, or Passion Week, give us an incredible look at our Savior. Come journey with us in the greatest story ever told, using the guide below, which we’ve adapted from Bible Project resources, to immerse yourself in the story. So grab a Bible and jump in.


Palm Sunday The Arrival of the King

As Jesus entered the city, the fanfare and excitement for a new hero was boiling over, but Jesus was focused on a different crown, and the painful moments ahead. Imagine what could keep him going; His unstoppable love for us and obedience to the Father.

Monday The True Temple

The Temple was the symbol of God’s desire to connect with us, as He came down from the mountain to dwell with His people, and Jesus is greater than the Temple. He is God Himself come to be with us. Reflect today on His desire to be “God With Us.”

Tuesday The Other Special Meal

While staying at Bethany, Jesus had another significant meal, with a shocking thing happening to Him. Jesus’ words about Mary’s sacrificial act of love for Him echo through the ages. How will we show our love for Him in extravagant ways?

Wednesday  The Law of Love

Jesus had many important conversations during his last week, and reiterated one of His most famous teachings, uniting the famous Hebrew prayer called the Shema with the command in the Law to love our neighbor as ourselves. Reflect today on the love that God has lavished on us, and ask Him to help you share that love with others as well.

Thursday  The Last Supper

As Jesus and His Disciples shared the Passover, He laid down a new Covenant for all believers, showing that He would be our True Sacrificial Lamb, and then serving them in an unthinkable way. Reflect today on our Servant King who laid down His life for us.

Good Friday  The Sacrifice of God

Spend some time today reflecting on the sacrifice Jesus made for you, and that when He breathed his last, anything that could ever separate you from God, any sin or debt, was paid in full. The Grace of God is free, but it was not cheap. Jesus paid it all.

Saturday  A Sabbath Without Rest

It was the Sabbath, when no work was done, but imagine the fear and confusion of the Disciples as they had lost their master, upon whom they had placed all their hope.

Resurrection Sunday

All of history hinges on this moment, when the one who laid down His life, for the sin of the world, arose to New Life. The evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus is astounding, and He invites us to Live with Him in new hope, both now and for eternity. Spend some time thinking of what the Resurrection of Jesus means for your life, even today!


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